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Language: English
Detail: Combining a visually impressive map display with a wealth of detailed information on the location of all commercial properties (entertainment complexes, factories and warehouses, hotels, markets and shopping centres, office towers) residential properties (condominiums, rental apartments, serviced apartments) and amenities (hospitals, schools and the like) for business and relocation planning purposes.
Pages: Dimension: 165 x 210 cm.
Price: Baht 15,000 (framed and acrylic) or
Baht 10,000 (unframed)
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Publication: Business Location Guide Bangkok: Bangkok Wall Map * Indicates required fields
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Language: English
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Total Fee: Baht (VAT 7% included): Payment method:
Transfer the fee to account named "Agency for Real Estate Affairs"
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- Saving Account number 789-3-25325-8 (Swift code: UOVBTHBK)
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